glrnsdie farmers market

Photo from courtesy of Leeno

There is so much to consider when looking for a new home, but the big word in real estate is location, location, etc.  What’s the big deal about location?  I think what it comes down to is that your location is a huge factor in your day-to-day life.  

I’d like to share with you a great example: the Glenside Farmer’s Market.  Every Saturday, the vendors set up their tables by the Glenside train station, displaying locally grown fruits and vegetables, neighborhood bakery goods, dairy and poultry products from nearby farms, and even jewelry.  It is a low-key event.  People from the neighborhood walk casually from table to table, saying hello to people they know and stopping to chat with both neighbors and vendors.  What better way to fill up on wholesome food, support local farmers and merchants, and form community ties? 

Of course it’s not the kind of thing that you’ll find everywhere.  Each area will have its own flavor, whether it’s a farmer’s market, a quaint main street, the center city nightlife, or annual community events.  Often, you will find out about them after you move in…but if you want to get a preview, try picking up a local paper from the neighborhood, or ask your real estate agent what the community has to offer.